Wildlife Photography workshop – by Saurabh Desai

Wildlife Photography workshop – by Saurabh Desai

Wildlife Photography workshop – by Saurabh Desai

On Sunday, 21st April 2019 Wildlife Photography workshop was successfully arranged by NCS & our senior volunteer & well known photographer Mr. Saurabh Desai.

34 participants took part for whole day workshop. Participants are from different part of Gujarat. All have taken part very enthusiastically. All the queries were cleared with full satisfaction.

Topics covers:

  1. What is photography
  2. Types of photographers
  3. Explanation pf technical terms such as, ISO, Aperture, Shutter speed, White balance, Metering, Focus, etc.
  4. Types of Lens
  5. Comparison of different types lens
  6. Image editing
  7. What is Ethical Photography.
  8. And many other minute details related to photography.

At the end of the event Mr. Saurabh Desai have explained about the work of Nature Club, as well as he had also added the remuneration of the workshop will be given for the environment conservation.

We have received many positive feedback for the whole day workshop and for the speaker Mr.Saurabh Desai.

Few glimpse of Feedback of participants

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