Wetland Photography Contest

World Wetland Day Celebration

Wetland Photography Contest

Wetland Photography Contest

Wetland Photography Competition

Every year, on the 2nd of February, we Celebrate “World Wetland Day” to raise global awareness about the high importance of #wetlands for people and our #planet.

Nature Club Surat is celebrating “World Wetland Day” every year at the Gavier lake to bring awareness among the citizens
of Surat.

This year we are organizing a photography competition on the wetland Biodiversity. We would like to invite everyone to
participate in the competition and be part of the World Wetland Day celebration.

🎉 Winner will be announced on 5th February 2023
At Shrimati Nirmala Wetland Conservation Project
Gavier Lake, Opp. Surat Airport, Surat-Dumas Road. Surat.


For participating in the competition,
(1) Submit images of wetland biodiversity from all across Gujarat

(2) All participants have to print their photos in 12×9 inch size (or A4), portrait or landscape, and submit hardcopy photo(s) at EcoFarm, Behind Happy Hallmark, Vesu-Abhva Road, Surat by 31st January 2023. or Participant can email us at [email protected] with your details like Name, contact number.

(3) One person can submit a maximum of 3 images per category (Bird/Reptile/Insect/Spider/Mammal/Landscape) for the competition.

(4) All participants have to write their name, contact number, and the number of images behind the printed copy of the photos

For more details,
you can contact us at 9979730036 or email us at [email protected]

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