Vatsalyapurm Orphanage and Sahayata NGO visited Eco Farm

Vatsalyapurm Orphanage and Sahayata NGO visited Eco Farm

Vatsalyapurm Orphanage and Sahayata NGO visited Eco Farm

These kids left us smiling check to cheek 😇

It was such a special day for us when Vatsalyapurm Orphanage and Sahayata NGO visited Eco Farm! We had so much fun doing adventure activities, playing with animals and giggling! It warms our hearts to see these kids being loved by 4 wonderful women and the over-enthused volunteers ! It was our pleasure to be a part of their day out 💚

Thanking NCS volunteers who wholeheartedly joined and made the experience even more memorable (Vaibhavi Rana, Aneri Desai, Prayag, Shivam Patel, Krunal Trivedi and Ankita Shah ).

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