Spider Photography Contest Result

Spider Photography Contest Result

Spider Photography Contest Result

  1. We had some splendid participating shots and it sure was a tricky task to decide winners. Thankfully with the expert help of @saurabh_desai_photography , we are able to announce these talented photographers as the winners of Spider Week Photography Contest 2021!

Every year Spider Week is celebrated to raise awareness and educate people about spiders. This year we conducted a photography contest to encourage people to go out in nature and observe spider activity.

Winners are as follows:

1. Category: Spider Body Parts:

 1st – Saival Patel
2nd – Aadit Patel
3rd – Jayesh Parmar

2. Category: Natural History Moments:

 1st, 2nd & 3rd – Dhaval Solanki

3. Category: Hunting & Feeding:

 1st – Aadit Patel2nd,  2nd –  Saival Patel. 3rd – Aatman Bharadva

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