Seminar on “Knots and introduction to Mountaineering”

Seminar on “Knots and introduction to Mountaineering”

Seminar on “Knots and introduction to Mountaineering”

Date: 29/ 09/19 Time: 9.00 am

Nature Club Surat is organising a seminar on knots and introduction to mountaineering. You all are welcomed to join in and get a kickstart on your mountaineering experience. Learn from our experts! Date: 29/ 09/19
Time: 9.00 am
Venue : 81, Sarjan Society, opp Sargam shopping complex, Parle point, Surat
Registration is compulsory
On 9979730036

Program completed successfully with practical session.

Many volunteers have taken part and learnt different kind of knots binding.

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