Seminar by Dr.Raju Vyas

Seminar by Dr.Raju Vyas

Seminar by Dr.Raju Vyas

Snake Rescue & Rehabilitation Training Program on 22nd Sep 2019 @ 10 am

Dr. Raju Vyas is invited to give training to NCS volunteers regarding Snake Rescue & Rehabilitation. He is very renown herpetologist of India.
He retired from Sayaji Baug Zoo, Vadodara Municipal Corporation, Vadodara, India. He does research in Systematics (Taxonomy), Zoology and Ecology. His current project is ‘Developing Solutions for Human-Crocodile Conflict (HCC) in Gujarat, India’ and Reptilian Diversity of Gujarat State, India.

Volunteers were invited to take advantage from this training program. It was full of information and eye opening program for them related the perception of rescuing any reptile.

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