Guided Bird watching – @Gavier Lake

Guided Bird watching – @Gavier Lake

Guided Bird watching – @Gavier Lake

Winter’s almost here and it has brought along migratory birds to our Gavier Lake!

Join us in guided bird-watching sessions with our expert birders 🐦 We will start from basic bird identification and dive into the world of migratory birds πŸ˜€

Best way to introduce kids/first-time bird watchers! Bird watching pulls you away from the screen and out into the fresh air, real life, and nature. It demands quiet attention to the world around you, as you scan for your bird or contemplatively watch it go about its daily life, unaware of us observing them.

When: Sunday (28th Nov.)
Timing: 8 AM-10 AM
Location: Gavier Lake (silent zone, opposite Surat airport)
Contact: 9979730036 to register

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