Gardening Workshop

Gardening Workshop

Gardening Workshop

Hurry up for Registration….

We are all gardening enthusiast friends and we are growing vegetables, fruits, flowers etc. on terrace or our surroundings but we come across many problems regarding germination of seeds or growing some plants. So to solve our queries and learn gardening methodically we are organising 2 days workshop on 14th and 15th May and we are planning to invite very experienced trainers in home gardening, Mrs. Veena Rao (Mumbai) and her team. It will be around 6 – 8 hours learning/day. We are posting workshop details herewith.
If we are 25 participants for workshop, fees amount/ person will be Rs 3700/person which includs learning fees and lunch and tea – coffee 2 times.

If you are interested, please inform on any of numbers mentioned below latest by 1st May, Sunday. We can accomodated only 25 participants in workshop. So please reply at your earliest .

Dr Mohini Gadhiya : 9879563396

Mrs. Hina Patel: 9879538893

Dr Keyuri Shah: 9426166311

Dr Jigna Shah: 9824437044

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