Environment Day Celebration – 5th June 2019

Environment Day Celebration – 5th June 2019

Environment Day Celebration – 5th June 2019

Nature Club Surat had celebrated Environment Day – 5th June 2019 with full enthusiastically.

Day Starts with the Awareness program at U-turn, Piplod, Surat from early morning 6.am.

Volunteers have taken part into the activity and make aware the visitors for about Environment Conservation. And motivated them for work for environment.

Main topics covers are:

=> Grow more trees

=> Avoid using plastics

=> Use Bicycle or public transport.

=> Care for animals and birds.

Many volunteers had used bicycle from morning to evening or for whole day. Thus they have contributed for conserving environment.

In Evening there was on Awareness Program specially for celebrating World Environment day by spreading awareness about Tree Plantation, Pollution prevention, Vertical Graden/Green wall gardening, Human Leopard Conflict etc. for the employees of Primal Glass.

Volunteers had also discussed the environmental issues that needs to be solved and shared knowledge about vertical garden with use of Waste Plastic bottles.

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