Eco Club Project Activity

Eco Club Project Activity

Eco Club Project Activity

In our recent session of the Eco Club Project which is supported by Adani Foundation, the kids learned about soil erosion. When we discuss this topic, even adults often think that the only consequence is landslide! However, this problem is deep rooted and affects species extinction to increased pollution.

The main cause of soil erosion is DEFORESTATION and OVERGRAZING! Both related to the consumeristic society that we have built. Due to deforestation, a lot of soil slips into water streams and rivers causing clogs, sedimentation and loss of fishes and other species. Overgrazing leads to loss of topsoil and nutrients. This reduces the ability to grow trees and water to penetrate which harms soil microbes and results in serious erosion! This results in flooding and landslides as the degraded land can’t hold up water or itself.

Whew! Who knew one thing can have such a serious snowball effect?!

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