Deer Breeding Project

Deer Breeding Project

Deer Breeding Project

To increase population of herbivorous animals in the forest and restore food-chain to mitigate human-animal conflict, Nature Club Surat jointly with Forest Department is running Deer Breeding Project at Vansda National Park backed by UPL CSR Trust SRSAT.
As project is going in full swing, 7 more spotted deer were soft released from its Deer breeding Center in the presence of Hon. Minister for Forest and Tribal development Shree Ganpatsingh Vasava today. The honourable minister was very happy to note the success of project as so far 32 animals are wild released and 7 are soft released, totalling 39 release. These includes 3 four horned antelope also. He congratulated all stake holders and added that this joint project of Forest department and NGO like Nature Club Surat is playing very important role of balancing the ecology of forest of Vansda National Park. Maharaja of Vansda Hon. Jaidigvirendrasingh Solanki also remained present and appreciated the work done. The project is named after maharaja of Vansda Shri Digvirendrasingh Solakni. Member of Parilament Dr. K.C Patel, CCF Valsad Shree Muniswaran Raja, DFO Ahwa Shree Nileshbhai Pandaya , DFO Ahwa Shree Agneshwar Vyash and all office bearers and volunteers of Nature Club Surat remained present.

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