Book Launched : “Gardens of South Surat”

Book Launched : “Gardens of South Surat”

Book Launched : “Gardens of South Surat”

Today on 31st March, 2019 Nature Club Surat launched a book on “Gardens of South Surat” at Chowpaty Garden, Athwalines. Mr. Nainish Parikh from Mumbai, came up with this innovative idea of the book. Later with his support NCS volunteer spent six months to survey the gardens and design the book. The book was launched by dignities like Dr. S J Gautam (Garden Superintendent), Dr. A P Singh, (APCCF), Dr. Minoo Parabia, & Mr. Bhadresh Shah. Many nature lover came forward to attend the event. Mr. Snehal Patel (President- Nature Club Surat) were also present in the event and shared his concern regarding the importance of green cover in Surat city. The book was designed like a pictorial guide to gardens of South Surat. The book is designed in such a way that citizen can get an brief idea about the garden. Information like proper address, timing, flora and fauna diversity, infrastructure, area, etc were mentioned in the book. Some suggestion were also mentioned for future garden projects. Mr. Gautam appreciated the suggestion mentioned in the book and gave us assurance that he will implement it in future.

Shri. Snehal Patel, President – Nature Club Surat is addressing the gathering.
Shri. Snehal Patel
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